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Everything posted by GoalieManPat

  1. GoalieManPat

    Dear Franzen

    Right. The issue with that is lack of logical thinking when being critical. Its always one player that loses it for Detroit on one play. Thats the standard Detroit fan reasoning. We must find our scapegoat because god forbid it cant be the team. If you read my post youll see that I was being more critical of the team than yourself. Your being critical of one negative play. I was being critical of many poor plays that all helped Pittsburgh win. *Note*"if you wanna go be a cheerleader, go to sleep." and then you followed it up with "We, the fans, don't like mistakes because we cheer for our team and want our team to win." So I guess your a cheerleader to. Rock on.
  2. GoalieManPat

    What I love about Babcock...

    Why does he have to call anyone out in the media? The guy is class. If I remember right team officials meet with league reps after every game so I am sure the Wings concerns are getting voiced.
  3. GoalieManPat

    Knee on Knee

    I disagree. The Pens player is going to make a play on a Wings player along the boards( I beleive it was Drake ) and it was accidental contact. Its not a deliberate knee on knee.
  4. GoalieManPat

    Clutch, Grab, Trip?

    Haha on these boards through Games 1 through 3 everyone was ripping on MT for crying about the refs. Now 90% of the posts on here since last night are wings fans complaining about the refs. Pot meet kettle.
  5. GoalieManPat

    Knee on Knee

    It wasnt a penalty.
  6. GoalieManPat

    Chris Osgood

    This thread = epic fail
  7. GoalieManPat

    Clutch, Grab, Trip?

    Its playoff hockey. That stuff is gonna happen. The key to drawing penalties tho is to keep skating. Detroit did not start skating hard until the 3rd.
  8. GoalieManPat

    Dear Franzen

    No offense intended but I find scoring on your own team alot more of a gaff than not clearing a puck.
  9. GoalieManPat

    Dear Franzen

    Riight lets find one person and blame over 100 minutes of hockey on him. Sure Franzen could have cleared that puck but Kronner coulda have not roofed it on Osgood, Rafalski could have skated harder to the puck on the first goal and the forwards could have scored on one of there many great chances in the OT's. Its a team loss. This thread is stupid.
  10. GoalieManPat

    Helm on the the roster for 2008-09?

    I hope not. I want every young player to have to prove themselves every fall. Then after theyve done it for a couple seasons then the "earned next years roster spot" can be talked about.
  11. GoalieManPat

    About the Octopus In Mellon Arena

    Because Detroit had sales open to everyone. Unlike ArmPittsburgh which had Ticketmaster not allow tickets for games 3 & 4 to be bought in Michigan.
  12. GoalieManPat

    Crosby post game Q and A

    A one legged midget could have lead Pitt to the Finals with how much of a joke the Eastern Conference was this year.
  13. GoalieManPat

    If we win game 5 - Celebrations in Downtown?

    Wooo time to riot!!!
  14. GoalieManPat

    Dats & Z > Sid & Malkin

    I think that all depends on what matchups the Pens put out having last change now.
  15. GoalieManPat

    lol @ Therrien's press conference.

    Sounds to me he doesnt have any clue on how to find a system to beat Detroit.
  16. GoalieManPat

    Detroit is just better.

    Detroit closed out all 3 of there opponents this playoffs away from home. Detroit doesnt need to win in Pittsburgh but I see them having a better chance to win away from home than Pittsburgh does.
  17. GoalieManPat

    Someone PLEASE stop the madness!

    I think Cujo is stoned or something. His posts in this thread all seem filled with anger. Like what was all over here at the trade deadline. Can someone tell him the wings are rolling and 1 win from the Cup finals. Maybe that will put him in a better mood. PS. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP CAPITALIZING WORDS
  18. GoalieManPat

    Lindsay on Vladdy

    Vladdy Discuss
  19. GoalieManPat

    Game three notes...

    Coulda, woulda, shoulda's mean nothing after the game.
  20. GoalieManPat

    Watch In Chicago

    I am outside Chicago in Naperville for training. The hotel here doesnt get VS. Any locals know of a good place to watch the game and has good eats?
  21. GoalieManPat

    Watch In Chicago

    Im willing to drive anywhere. All I need to know is that they are showing it lol
  22. GoalieManPat


    This would only work if 1. People actually wore what was given to them 2. There was a person in every seat.
  23. GoalieManPat

    See? Even Holland Thinks Grigs is Fat and Out of Shape

    Ehh the man just about died and now has a family. Maybe the accident just rearranged his priorities.
  24. GoalieManPat

    Brunnstrom Visits The Wings

    You cant compare Grigs to this guy. Grigs would have been in the NHL now had he not been in that accident.
  25. GoalieManPat

    Miller, traitor?

    Whats wrong with rooting for a buddy? Must not be anything worth making a thread on today for this to be posted.