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About wingsgirl001

  • Rank
    Hey Hey, Hockeytown!
  • Birthday 08/11/1985

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Lansing, MI
  • Interests
    Aside from hockey, I also enjoy watching baseball and occasionally football. I like reading, watching movies, and just relaxing at home on the computer. :)

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  1. wingsgirl001

    Hall of Fame Boards

    Yeah, I can agree with this. I've been here since 04 and have seen a lot go down around here lol. Reading through this thread was a trip seeing some of those old names mentioned. I don't post much anymore but I'll always be around! I love the little family we have here!
  2. wingsgirl001

    Hall of Fame Boards

    Uhhh I think I have an account there but I haven't used it in like 10 years so I don't remember the account name (probably the same one I use here), or the password oops. I'd probably just make a new account if I ever rejoined.
  3. wingsgirl001

    Reddit red wings thread

    I've got reddit and I'm subbed there. It's great for news updates and stuff but I don't post often.
  4. wingsgirl001

    Report: Detroit to name Steve Yzerman as GM

    OH MY GOOODDDDDDD!!!! Is anyone else jumping around in their living room like an overexcited 5 year old on Christmas morning?!?
  5. wingsgirl001

    Henrik Zetterberg has Retired

    I'm so sad! I was really hoping for one more year. Thank you, Z, for all you have done for Detroit and all of the amazing memories.
  6. Wow he's been down there for 8 years? Doesn't seem like it. I'm sure he's doing what's best for him and his family but I'm definitely hoping (along with everyone else here) that we see him take on a new role with the Red Wings sometime soon. Welcome home, Stevie!
  7. wingsgirl001

    Not An Underground Meme-Ban Resistance Thread. Mods Do Not Click.

    I don't have anything to contribute right now but I do have a large collection of gifs
  8. wingsgirl001


  9. wingsgirl001

    Disney Buys Star Wars, 3 New Films Coming

    UPDATE: ]
  10. wingsgirl001

    Disney Buys Star Wars, 3 New Films Coming

    IT'S TIME! We're heading to the theater in about 45 minutes!! Will update upon return!
  11. wingsgirl001

    12/9 GDT - Blues @ Red Wings - 1:00 PM EST

    well that sucked Oh well, at least it was nice to finally see the new arena and we had great seats, lol.
  12. wingsgirl001

    12/9 GDT - Blues @ Red Wings - 1:00 PM EST

    I'm at the game! LGRW!!
  13. wingsgirl001

    10/12 Detroit Red Wings @ Arizona Desert Dawgs | 10 pm ET

    nooo it's boring and yours has a lot more info that I didn't put on there. it's fine, don't worry about it. ♥
  14. wingsgirl001

    GDT Sign-up Thread 2017-2018

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh well, mine is plain and boring and looks like hot garbage anyway. I'll let the experts keep doing it.