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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2013 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Wings are making the palyoffs.
  2. 4 points
    Wow, overreaction? Babcock himself was the one that said that he wasn't even sure if Bertuzzi would play when he was cleared. Babcock said that he didn't want to mess with a good thing, and that he was giving ice-time to those who were going to help get the wins. You don't know Babcock's intentions, so I would refrain from jumping to conclusions and calling him an idiot. Bertuzzi looked like he was in the best shape of recent years at the beginning of this season, and during their mini-"training camp." He has been skating, but that doesn't translate to game shape ready. He could be absolutely slow, but he does hold on to the puck better than majority of what we have in this lineup; which would help translate to longer possession times and more sustained pressure in the other zone. Personally, I think the defensive pairings have been the best they have been all year. Kronner and Ericsson seem to be an okay pairing to help shut down top lines. They certainly aren't the 1-2 punch you want from your top pairing, but they've been getting it done. Smitty and Quincey have been playing together for the majority of the season now, and starting to gel together. There was much Quincey hate in the beginning of the year, but he's made some great plays in recent games. Smith has been bad, there's no denying that. It's also been expected that he would make numerous mistakes this season. Still doesn't mean it's right. He is an offensive defensemen that struggles in his own zone. He needs to be more effective with the transition and knowing when, what is acceptable, in given situations. All within time I suppose. DeKeyser and Kindl have been the shining bunch. Kindl completely became who we wanted him, and made numerous strides to becoming an NHL defensemen. DeKeyser made the transition to the big show more smooth than i've seen in recent times. The man has been a godsend for this team. I don't see Babcock sending Goose back down. He has said how effective he has been, how outstanding the Goose-Andy-Brunns line has been. For the past few games, he has stated that it has been their hardest and most effective line out there. I just can't see him splitting that up in critical games like this.
  3. 3 points
    No need, this kid is small. I know he's super skilled and all, but given the number of big bodied goal scorers in this year's draft, if we have to settle on one of them I'm not mad at all.
  4. 3 points
    I don't know if there is any highlight videos for broadcasting, but Pierre was basically drooling over the Wings' defensive zone breakout passes, mainly DeKeyser. Then later he overheard Abby chirping at Doan and Doan replied "You have 11 points playing with Datsyuk, you should be ashamed of yourself."
  5. 2 points
    Bertuzzi has a knack for coming in cold and scoring, there's no reason not to play him.
  6. 2 points
    For real, there's no comeback to that. Doan bothers the hell out of me, but I have to give him props for doing research. That's how trash talk is done.
  7. 2 points
    eaves cant be scratched hes one of our PKers
  8. 2 points
    it is playoffs. Its like what kings said last year, they started playoffs earlier then most. Advantage i'd think
  9. 2 points
    I'd put him with fil and mule. Move cleary to the 4th
  10. 2 points

    Franzen.... cares?!

    I wasn't suggesting he call them out in the press. The fact that he makes excuses to the press is a symptom in my opinion. If my guys weren't executing for s***, and because of this aren't winning games, I'll let them know it by reducing their ice time/benching them. And then when the media heads ask questions I'll tell them what happened. We failed to execute properly. We made lazy line changes. We left our goalie out to dry. No need to downplay the fact that this team has looked like garbage all too frequently this year. Own it, and prove that you're trying to fix it through your personnel moves. If San Jose can bench Joe Thornton for playing like sh*t, then Babs can quit making excuses for two f*** ups which cost us valuable points, or saying how consistent we are when after we lose to Calgary (for the third time). To me, that undermines accountability.
  11. 2 points

    The Race for Eight: Blue Jackets, Stars, Wings

    I'd like to see Minny miss the playoffs just to shove it up that fraud centcougar's ass.
  12. 1 point
    Browner's dumb for extending out his elbow. He could have used his shoulder to protect himself in that situation, absolutely no need to extend your elbow. Especially when you're in possession of the puck.
  13. 1 point

    Dan Dekeyser Watch

    LeftWinger! Welcome back buddy! Was wondering where you had gone... especially after DeKeyser had signed. Happy everything worked out and he's with the team now. Didn't want to see what happened if he went elsewhere with you, haha. He has definitely made a smoother transition than expect, at least in my opinion. Really happy to see his success thus far.
  14. 1 point
    Babcock deserves to be fired, he is such an idiot. His lines make no sense and now he wants to insert an old slow player, who missed so much time and has a bad back into the line up when you need to win? His defensive parings suck and Bertuzzi only helps in Shootouts and we are past the part of the season where we need to care about shootouts. They need to win in regulation at least a couple of times. Need to get five of six points and two ROW to make it. Does anyone REALLY think that putting Bertuzzi in right now will make the difference? He MIGHT be an improvement over Tootoo, but you know Babcock will likely put him in the top two lines and bench Gustav because he seems to do that all the time. I just don't think you want to put him in right now. He can't be in shape enough, and being -1 in the last three games could be enough to keep the Wings out of the playoffs. This isn't a good idea.
  15. 1 point

    4/23 GDT

    Well I for one will be hoping against that! Of course, I'll be busy cheering for the Wings!
  16. 1 point

    Dekeyser Nickname Time

    Hey, you with the face!
  17. 1 point
    or like ozzie ozzie ozzie, you go howie howie howie
  18. 1 point

    4/23 GDT

    So Calgary's AHL team can beat down Minny but the defending champs are getting their ass kicked. This is a joke.
  19. 1 point
    cleary sits?!?!?!?!
  20. 1 point
    I don't know. Bert hasn't played at all. No way he's up to a game speed level anywhere close to where the active players are. I'm not strictly against it but I'd definitely be concerned.
  21. 1 point
    For those of you who don't want sit through the whole thing, it starts at the 12:03 mark.
  22. 1 point
    Mike J.

    NBC Highlight packages/commentary from 4/22

    It might be in this video, I'm at work so I can't watch through and check but this would be your best bet. This guy has a whole youtube channel dedicated to Red Wings highlights.
  23. 1 point

    Dekeyser Nickname Time

    Fridge Largemeat! Punt Speedchunk! Butch Deadlift! Bold Bigflank! Splint Chesthair! Flint Ironstag! Bolt Vanderhuge! Thick McRunfast! Buff Drinklots! Trunk Slamchest! Fist Rockbone! Stump Beefknob! Smash Lampjaw! Punch Rockgroin! Buck Plankchest! Stump Chunkmen! Dirk Hardpeck! Rip Steakface! Crud Bonemeal! Brick Hardmeat! Rip Slabcheek! Bob Johnson! Smoke Manmuscle! Big McLargeHuge!
  24. 1 point

    Detroit: Circa June 2018...

    I fire up the gamecube every so often and trade a 2002-2003 Bertuzzi to the Red Wings to play with that group. PURE DOMINATION
  25. 1 point
    He didn't compare Brunner to St. Louis, Fleury, etc. He was just giving examples of undersized hockey players showing that size isn't everything.